Studios Anny

Thasos Island, Greece
Skala Kalraki view on map
2 adults
Studios Thassos “Studios Anny” apartments thassos is a complex comprising of 18 stylish apartments located on the northwestern part of Thassos, at Scala Kallirachis, and at a distance of just 70m. away from the sea. The warm hospitality and comfort of studios thassos afforded by all the spaces; the pristine organization of the services rendered combined with the outstanding natural environment of the island will make your holidays an unforgettable experience. Vacation is not only relaxing, but also enjoying a great meal. There is no better way to do that right by the pool of Studios Anny, with a variety of options from light snacks to delicate dishes accompanied by elegant red or white wines or beers. Don’t forget the dessert! Tip: Studios Anny Elegant Studios offers one of the best sunset experiences. What’s better than combining a perfect dinner with a majestic sunset?

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Hotel facilities

  • Restaurant
  • Safe deposit box
  • Bar

Room facilities

May include:, Air Conditioning

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