Vranas Hotel

Thasos Island, Greece
Skala Sotiros, Skala Sotiros, 64010 , Thassos Island, Greece
There are three buildings in the complex. The first one, the closest one to the road is not available for online booking. The second one is Villa Vranas. Hotel Vranas is located in the third building, the closest one to the pool and it has 10 apartments on the ground (high ground) floor or on the upper floor. They have around 38m2 and are intended for families with two children. If the family has three children the owners can give an extra bed with an extra charge. Units on the upper floor can have a sea view. The apartment is, in fact, a big studio, which is divided with wooden divider (divider has a door) into two parts. Wooden divider does not reach the ceiling. In one part there is a kitchen, a folding bed for two children (small size double bed), a table with chairs, and in the other room, bedroom, is a double bed. From the bedroom there is access to the terrace. The furniture is generally well preserved. The terraces are spacious and these can have a partial sea view, a view of the garden, swimming pool, the back of the house.

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