Voco The Hague

The Hague, Netherlands
Kneuterdijk 8
The Hague view on map
Welcome to voco™ The Hague, where quintessential Dutch design and our unstuffy style come together in the city centre of The Hague. Based in the Royal Quarter, this beautiful former bank building is located near the city's shops, museum and heritage sites, plus the embassy quarter and Peace Palace within walking distance. By tram you can reach the Central Station (9 mins) or the seaside (15 mins). Our guest rooms offer personal voco™ touches, quality bedding and eco-friendly amenities. Catch up over local dishes in Botanica kitchen & bar, discover drinks inspired by the Dutch Sea explorations from Ultramarijn wonderbar or relax in our garden terrace. We also have two boardrooms and a versatile breakout area to meet, gather or celebrate.

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