NH Den Haag

The Hague, Netherlands
Near Escher Museum view on map
The NH Den Haag hotel sits on the top few floors of The Hague's World Trade Center building. It gets fantastic views across the city and puts you in easy reach of both the government and business districts. Plus the historic city center is just 5 minutes away by public transport. Our rooms are light and modern, with sleek hardwood floors and free Wi-Fi. Most get panoramic city views – on clear days you can even see the sea. For the best views in the house, check into one of the split-level Suites on the 19th floor. The Verne restaurant serves delicious International cuisine in a relaxed, contemporary setting. It comes with a bar and comfortable lounge area, too. Guests can also make use of the gym on the 2nd floor of the World Trade Center tower, and there's plenty of parking in front of the hotel.

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