
Thessaloniki, Greece
Central view on map
A few minutes’ walk from Thessaloniki centre, the 4-star Anatolia Hotel offers stylish accommodation with balconies overlooking the city. A well-equipped gym and spa are available, while guests can enjoy meals and all-day drinks at the relaxing setting of the rooftop terrace. Anatolia Hotel is located in the center of Thessaloniki a few minutes away from the financial and commercial center of the city.  Hotel Information The most important tourist attractions, sightseeing and shopping avenues lie within easy reach. The hotel offers luxurious, stylish environment and beautiful internal decoration. Anatolia Hotel comprises rooms equipped with a flat-screen TV with satellite channels, climate control and a personal safe. Bathrooms come with hairdryers and a shower cap. Hotel Anatolia provides air-conditioned rooms and suites that feature elegant furnishings in natural colours. LCD satellite TVs and free Wi-Fi access are standard in all rooms. Breakfast is served in the restaurant each morning. Guests can dine Aqua Lounge Bar offering Mediterranean cuisine. All Senses Fitness & Health Club offers several specialised body and facial treatments, such as massages and aromatherapy.

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Hotel facilities

  • WI-FI
  • Reception
  • Breakfast
  • Dinner
  • Lunch
  • SPA center

Room facilities

May include:,

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