Casa Verde Rooms

Thessaloniki, Greece
Suburbs/lagadas view on map
Make a gift to yourself, an experience of relaxation in the beautiful province of Thessaloniki, enjoy the Byzantine thermal baths, and become familiar with local tastes and the exceptional services during your stay in our bright new neoclassical. Enjoy the nature and visit the holly places nearby. We will suggest you the best option for your bath in Thermal Springs. The neoclassical Casa Verde is located in the beautiful square of Lagadas, within a short walking distance of shopping centre and almost 2km from Thermal Baths. The unique deluxe and superior rooms offer free WiFi. Enjoy a unique coffee and get closer to delicious dishes by our chef in the vintage bistro and or in roof garden. Modernly and classically decorated, the comfortable deluxe rooms at Casa Verde are open to a balcony with square view. All of them are fully equipped with TV, desk, bath amenities, shower bath, slippers and bathrobes. The square has a variety of coffee shops and restaurants. More than your expectations..

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Hotel facilities

  • Restaurant
  • Bar
  • Business installations
  • Health and Spa

Room facilities

May include:,

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The information and photos on the page describing the hotel / villa are strictly informative and are taken from our partners or from their presentation sites. The pictures on the site are generic and cannot be considered contractual, they represent our permanent effort to provide information about the accommodation units. We try daily to update this information, but we do not guarantee that they are complete, updated or contain no errors. We recommend that you consult the official websites of the hotels or request updated information to our agency.

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