
Thessaloniki, Greece
Panorama view on map
This hotel is located in the central part of Panorama and provides easy access to all commercial, cultural and entertainment venues in the area. It is situated in a most idyllic spot next to a pinewood forest at an altitude of 350 metres and enjoys panoramic views. It lies 4 km from Thessaloniki and Thessaloniki Airport is 15 km away. This city hotel features minimal and tasteful decoration, and along with the refreshing air from the forest and the songs of the birds, guests can enjoy a unique and tranquil atmosphere here. It comprises a total of 50 rooms including 12 singles and 4 suites. Facilities on offer to guests at this air-conditioned establishment include a lobby area with a 24-hour reception and check-out service, lift access, an elegant lounge area, a restaurant and a café. Guests will appreciate the conference facilities, wireless Internet access and room service, and there is parking available for those arriving by car. The accommodation units feature distinctive furnishings in natural wood tones. All come with a private bathroom with a modern shower in a light grey colour, and a hairdryer. They are equipped with a direct dial telephone, a TV, Internet access and a minibar. Furthermore, air conditioning and central heating are provided in all accommodation as standard and each room features a beautiful balcony with amazing views of the mountain landscape of Hortiati and Panorama. This hotel serves a rich kitchen with a wide range of delicacies, and breakfast is available in buffet style.

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