Hotel Comfort Tirana

Tirana, Albania
Central view on map
This is a modern hotel situated on the first floor of an apartment building in the centre of Tirana, just 300 metres from the Zogu i Pare Boulevard and Scanderbeg Square, lying right in the heart of the city. It is within easy reach of the city's main shopping district and the train station, and just 15 Km from Rinas International Airport. Its convenient location, meeting and dining facilities make this the ideal choice for business travellers, and an excellent venue for corporate events or private celebrations. This friendly hotel offers comfortable single and double rooms as well as suites, all with air conditioning, Internet and a minibar, and the en-suite bathrooms include a shower and guest amenities. The restaurant serves traditional Albanian dishes, as well as Italian and Mediterranean cuisine, and guest can also enjoy a refreshing drink served in the bar, veranda or garden.

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