Tirana International

Tirana, Albania
Scanderbeg Square, 8 - Tirana - ALBANIA
Near Et`hem Bey Mosque view on map
The hotel is located in Tirana, Albania. The hotel comprises 140 comfortable rooms and suites as well as two tastefully decorated executive floors. The hotel amenities include: 24-hour reception, hotel safe, currency exchange, cloakroom, and lift access, room and laundry service. The hotel also houses a café, kiosk, hairdressing salon, gift shop, 2 bars, a pub, disco and 2 restaurants. In addition, parking and high-speed Internet access is available. The conference and meeting facilities, with a capacity of up to 900 people, make the hotel the largest conference centre in Albania. There are 9 function rooms, some with high tech installations such as Internet connection, simultaneous translation systems and sound systems. The hotel features a fitness studio, aerobic classes, table tennis, massage treatments and a sauna.

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