Oriental Express Tokyo Kamata

Oriental Express Tokyo Kamata

Tokyo, Japan
Minami Kamata, Ota-ku,1-3-15,
Haneda Airport view on map
Hotel Oriental Express Tokyo Kamata”, new hotel, opens in April 2019. The hotel is ideally located, 3min-walk from Keikyu Kamata station, 9min from Haneda Airport station,5min from Shinagwa Station, for travelers who want to shorten travel time and spend time effectively. The concept of the hotel is “Feel small factories in Kamata”. Factory-collaborated stylish interiors and accessories welcome you. You can experience nostology and modern in the hotel and enjoy “bento-box” for breakfast, a Japanese style lunch box, craftsmen used to have. At the entrance a manufactured machined is displayed and you can feel “Kamata” when stepping into the hotel. Kamata, manufacturing-town, is the location one of the best craftsmen who produce delicate and high quality commodities get together.

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