Hotel Mystays Ueno East

Hotel Mystays Ueno East

Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo City view on map
Both JR Ueno Station and Tokyo Metro Inaricho Station are within easy reach of the hotel, and the central hubs of Tokyo Station, Shinjuku Station and Asakusa Station can all be reached in minutes. Haneda Airport and Narita Airport are also easy to access, as is the 300-acre Ueno Park, which houses the Ueno Zoo, Tokyo National Museum, the National Science Museum, National Western Art Museum, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, and more. The popular family attraction of Ueno Zoo and the legendary shopping street of Ameya-yokocho are also found in and around Tokyo's most favored park. Double, Semi-Double, Queen, Twin and Triple rooms, all designed with a modern eye and pop of color, offer our guests a comfortable base for exploration of the city. Wi-Fi and wired connections is provided in each room. *Accommodation Tax is NOT included in the price and must be paid at the property.

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