Best Western Plus Milton

Best Western Plus Milton

Toronto, Canada
Milton view on map
Conveniently located right off Highway 401. We are the only full service hotel in Milton. Free high-speed internet, Bistro, indoor pool, fitness area and free parking are just some of our amenities. When choosing a Milton hotel, guests deserve competitive rates and a location that ensures they're close to the top destinations in the region. From the Mohawk Slots for the best gaming in the province to hiking on the nearby trails, there's truly something for everyone and it is all just minutes away. Rest, relaxation and rejuvenation are key to a great trip, and even business travelers find time to squeeze in a little excitement. Whether you prefer incredible slot machines or getting back in touch with nature, whatever you have in mind is only a few minutes away. Enjoy a round of golf at some of the world class courses nearby. A vacation isn't truly a getaway until you have a chance to work on your swing. If shopping is more your sport, premium outlets are nearby and offer some of the best deals in the region. Vacationing families, romantic escapes and travelers who are here to take care of business all enjoy the host of entertainment options close to our Milton hotel. Employees of the automotive industry such as Magna and those in the manufacturing field are some of our regular return guests. When you feel at home at your hotel, it's easier to take care of business, especially when the commutes are fast and easy. Logistics teams and those in the agriculture field alike can quickly get to their meetings, leaving plenty of time for leisure. Our Milton hotel also offers convenient banquet and convention facilities for those guests here for corporate events, weddings, meetings and other events. No matter what brings you to Milton, staying at the right hotel can make your trip even better. Our staff members are dedicated to making sure you make the most of your trip.

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