Best Western Plus Toronto North York Hotel & Suites

Best Western Plus Toronto North York Hotel & Suites

Toronto, Canada
Near York University view on map
This hotel is located in the cosmopolitan city of Toronto and offers guests an unforgettable experience in each of its many contemporary room types. It delivers a superior level of convenience with many on-site amenities such as a relaxing pool & hot tub and on-site restaurant that serves a variety of delicious specialities. In addition the state of the art fitness centre provides everything necessary for guests to keep up with their workout regimens. Plus, with laundry services and a business centre at the hotel, extended stays are made simple and business travellers are always connected. Travelling is made easier for guests since this hotel is located minutes from all major highways, Pearson Toronto International Airport (YYZ), public transportation and the downtown core of Toronto. It is also close to major attractions such as Canada's Wonderland, Legoland, Vaughan Mills Shopping, and Yorkdale Mall. Whether guests are visiting this property for business or leisure, the attentive service and tastefully designed hotel will exceed all expectations.

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