Days Inn Brampton

Toronto, Canada
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Tripadvisor Score: 3.5
Property Category: Midscale. Property Type: Inn. Total rooms and suites: 61. Floors: 2. Property description- Welcome to the Days Inn Brampton, we are a 100 Percent non smoking hotel, we offer free continental breakfast, free high-speed internet and free parking. All rooms include Fridge, Microwave, hairdryer, alarm clock, coffeemaker, iron and board, cable tv, 32 inch LCD flat screen TV and free weekday newspaper. Jacuzzi Suites available. Including - Ice Machine, Electronic locks, Interior Corridors, non Smoking Rooms, 24 Hour Switchboard , No Pets Allowed ,Rollaway Available 10 CAD, Smoke And Gas Detector/Extra Lighting And Message Alert And VoicemailProperty was built in 1111. Property was renovated in 2009. Hotel Currency: CAD.

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