Hotel Monarque Fuengirola Park

Hotel Monarque Fuengirola Park

Torremolinos, Spain
Near Torreblanca Beach view on map
This pleasant hotel is located in a residential area about 3 km from Fuengirola's tourist centre, approximately 150 m from the beach and 20 minutes from Málaga airport. The surrounding area is abundant in shops and boutiques as well as scores of superb bars and restaurants. The hotel building was built in 1976 and completely renovated in 2001. It consists of 391 double rooms on 7 floors. The complex offers various dining and entertainment facilities, including a kids' club and a playground for children. Recreational options include 2 outdoor swimming pools, a solarium and an array of sporting facilities such as tennis, table tennis, archery, basketball, billiards/snooker and bowling. The international entertainment team ensure that life at the hotel is never tedious.

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