Las Rampas Hotel

Torremolinos, Spain
City Centre view on map
This charming hotel is situated in Fuengirola, Spain. The perfect location for those who look for relaxation and tranquillity, the beach is a wonderful place to spend the day sunbathing, practicing sports or just diving into the famous Mediterranean Sea. The complex is surrounded by several and different types of restaurants and bars ideal to enjoy a nice meal or a drink. The hotel offers delicious sea-themed dishes along with national and international cuisine for all types of guests taste. Visitors might enjoy to spend the day by the side of the pool and have a splendid time with their travel partners or by oneself. It is an excellent choice for business or leisure visitors as they can take advantage of the salon to make a business reunions or events. The property offers spacious and comfortable rooms that include all the essential amenities to make every stay, the most pleasant one.

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