Los Jazmines

Torremolinos, Spain
Torremolinos view on map
This hotel is located in the tourist area of Torremolinos, only roughly 25 m from Playamar Beach. In the hotel's vicinity is the centre of the tourist resort, where there are shops, restaurants, bars and lively nightlife waiting to be discovered. This modern hotel features tasteful interiors with a high level of comfort. There are 85 rooms in total, spread over 7 floors and guests are offered access to a reception desk, a hotel restaurant and a hotel bar that is a great place in which to relax after an eventful day. The rooms ideally suit the needs of guests and come with an en suite bathroom, a direct dial telephone, a hire safe, and a balcony or terrace with wonderful views of the surrounding area. Central heating rounds off the services on offer. Guests can relax in the well-kept grounds where there is a swimming pool and sunbathing lawn. Breakfast may be selected from a buffet each morning.

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