Appart' City Confort Toulouse Aéroport Purpan

Appart' City Confort Toulouse Aéroport Purpan

Toulouse, France
Toulouse view on map
Appart'City Toulouse Purpan Aéroport is located less than 10km from the Place du Capitole, the stadium, Blagnac Airport and Matabiau train station, and offers private accommodation with free Wi-Fi. Our professional, multi-lingual team is here to assist you 24/7. Every one of our 108 apartments is furnished and has air conditioning, a flat-screen TV and a fully equipped kitchen with a microwave, fridge, hob and dishes. Appart'City Toulouse Purpan Aéroport aparthotel is also close to the Purpan shopping centre, the Zénith concert venue, aeronautical sites (with shuttle service) and multicultural activities, such as the city's museums and the Cité de l'Espace space centre.

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