Appart' City Toulouse Tournefeuille

Appart' City Toulouse Tournefeuille

Toulouse, France
Toulouse view on map
Appart'City Tournefeuille is located just 11km from central Toulouse and 5km from the Airbus Atos and Louis Breguet sites. It is perfect for both business travellers and holidaymakers, thanks to its fully equipped apartments, à la carte services and tranquil setting. All our apartments are furnished and equipped with a kitchen with a cafetière and all other essential cooking equipment, meaning you can be independent throughout your stay. Our aparthotel is located on the edge of a forest and offers a green, tranquil setting where you can seek relaxation and comfort. Nature is everywhere: take a walk along the Canal du Midi or the banks of the Garonne. Just 15 minutes away, in central Toulouse, history lovers can admire the city's pink-tinted architecture, as visible on the Saint-Sernin Basilica, the Place du Capitole and the Cité Médiévale.

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