Grand Vaves Hotel

Trabzon, Turkey
Sanayi Mh. Anadolu Bul. no:44,44 5
Trabzon view on map
This lovely hotel, which can be found in Trabzon, is a great option for families. Nestled within 1000 metre(s) from the town centre, the accomodation allows easy access to all this destination has to offer. The hotel is within 3. 0 kilometre(s) to main entertainment areas. Within 200 metre(s) clients will find links of transport that will allow them to explore the area. The nearest beach is within 6. 0 km from the hotel. Visitors will find the airport within 2. 0 km. The hotel is within 4. 0 kilometre(s) from the harbour. This accomodation offers a total of 94 rooms. This hotel was constructed in 2018. Those staying at this property may keep updated thanks to the Wi-Fi access. Grand Vaves Hotel offers 24-hour reception for guests' convenience. Unfortunately, there are no accomodation units where travellers can ask for a cot for the little ones. Catering to the special needs of visitors, Grand Vaves Hotel includes some wheelchair accessible accomodation units. Everyone staying at this accommodation may take advantage of the car park. This hotel follows environmentally sustainable practices. All guests staying at this property can make use of the airport transfer service. Travellers will delight in the meals served at the property. Corporate travellers may avail for event rooms, ideal to host a business seminar or a special occasion. Some services may be subject to additional charges.

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