Usta Park

Trabzon, Turkey
Near Kostaki Mansion view on map
Hotel was built in 1970. Hotel was completely renovated in 2005. There are a total of 120 rooms on the premises. The property consists of 55 single rooms, 65 double rooms and 5 suites. This attractive hotel provides the ideal base for both sightseeing and business. There is air-conditioning in public areas. Guests can enjoy the convenience of 24-hour reception. The Hotel provides a lift. The Hotel has a newspaper stand. There is a delightful terrace where guests may relax and enjoy the warm sunshine. A key collection service is available. The Hotel offers internet access for guest convenience. Guests may indulge in room service. The Hotel offers a laundry service. The Hotel offers a medical service for guests' safety and convenience. The establishment is wheelchair-accessible. There is an on-site car park. There is a gym on the premises for guest convenience. There is a babysitting service upon request for guest convenience. Guests can make use of the car hire service to explore the surrounding area. There is an airport transfer service for guest convenience. There is a secure parking for guests' safety. Guests may enjoy a cup of coffee over the morning newspaper provided by the Hotel. There is a bellboy service..

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