Red Planet Hat Yai (formerly Tune Hotel Hat Yai)

Red Planet Hat Yai (formerly Tune Hotel Hat Yai)

Trang, Thailand
Songkhla view on map
This eco-friendly city hotel is situated in the heart of Hat Yai, within the area's main shopping and entertainment districts. It is less than a 10-minute walk from Kim Yong Market where guests can explore the local fares. A 5-minute walk will take guests to Hat Yai railway station. Guests will be greeted by the bright, chic style of the lobby which features white and red tones. The guest rooms feature a sleek, contemporary style, creating a relaxing environment in which guests can relax and unwind at the end of the day. Guests are invited to enjoy a relaxing massage or enjoy a coffee and a chat in the cafe. For golf enthusiasts, Southern Hills Golf and Country Club is just 15 km away.

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