Saithong Resort

Trang, Thailand
Hat Yai view on map
Renovated in 2010 the Saithong Resort guarantees guests a pleasant stay whether in Trang for business or pleasure. Only 40.0 km from the city center the hotel's strategic location ensures that guests can quickly and easily reach many local points of interest. Visitors to the hotel can take pleasure in touring the city's top attractions: Hat Pak Meng Beach.At Saithong Resort the excellent service and superior facilities make for an unforgettable stay. The hotel provides Wi Fi in public areas meeting facilities car park smoking area family room to ensure our guests the greatest comfort. Guests can choose from 25 rooms all of which exude an atmosphere of total peace and harmony. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or are just looking for a way to unwind after a hard day you will be entertained by top class recreational facilities such as garden. When you are looking for comfortable and convenient accommodations in Trang make Saithong Resort your home away from home.

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