Hyatt Regency Trinidad

Trinidad, Trinidad And Tobago
Port of Spain view on map
This magnificent hotel enjoys a prime location in the heart of central Port-of-Spain, close to the best attractions in and around the capital including the waterfront esplanade. Guests will find a host of dining options and shopping venues within a short walk away. It is less than 4 km to the Royal Botanical Gardens, the Emperor Valley Zoo and the National Museum. This city hotel is contemporary in design and is ideal for business travellers and holiday makers alike. This stunning property offers unprecedented luxury in a very desirable location. The modern guest rooms are sumptuously appointed and feature breath-taking oceanfront and city views. The younger guests can let off steam in the children's playground or in the kids' club, while adults may plunge in the rooftop infinity pool. Each of unique dining venues delivers exceptional cuisine, quality beverage and unmatched service. There is a parking is available for those arriving by car.

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